Hypnos Rest

Contact Us

At Hypnos Rest, we are always eager to hear from you! Whether it be queries, suggestions or feedback, your voice is important to us.

Our support team is committed to providing you with the answers and solutions you need.

Operational Hours

We strive to always be available for our users. But we have certain stipulated working hours which might affect how quickly we respond to requests. Our customer service operates 24/7, to ensure a seamless for all timezones.

Connect With Us

You can get in touch with us in two ways. All communication is completely confidential, so feel free to reach out!

Drop us an email

Feel free to relay your thoughts directly through your inbox! Send us an email at [email protected].

Fill the Contact Form

If you have awoken from sleep only to be perched with a bounty of questions, why not fill our Contact Us Form? You can access our Contact Form [here]. Insert your details and your message, and our team will get back to you.

Response times

While we endeavour to respond as quickly as possible, we have to make a caveat. Given the high volume of communications we handle, we estimate response times as follows:

Thank you for your patience and understanding!

If your enquiry is immediate and sensitive in nature, we advise directly reaching out through the contact form. This channel ensures the fastest response times.

Thank you for being a part of Hypnos Rest family. Sweet dreams!